Saturday, October 04, 2008

100+ French Words and their meaning

Here is my hundred plus strong French vocabulary so far ...
  1. salut=hi
  2. bonjour=hello,goodday
  3. bebe=child
  4. nuit=night
  5. demain=tomorrow
  6. au'jour'd'hui=today
  7. soleil=sun
  8. luna=moon
  9. terrain=earth
  10. solo=single
  11. conjoint=spouse
  12. femme=wife
  13. fille=daughter
  14. garcon=son
  15. bon=good
  16. bien=nice
  17. bienvenue=welcome
  18. merci=thankyou
  19. beaucoup=a lot
  20. bureau=office
  21. rouge=red
  22. jaune=yellow
  23. juan=young
  24. l'eau=water
  25. lait=milk
  26. soir=evening
  27. au revoir=bye
  28. etat=state
  29. portable=mobile
  30. disponible=available
  31. cafe=coffee
  32. lundi=monday
  33. mardi=tuesday
  34. mercredi=wednesday
  35. jeudi=thursday
  36. vendredi=friday
  37. samedi=saturday
  38. dimanche=sunday
  39. noir=black
  40. blanc=white
  41. moteur=engine
  42. lecture=to read
  43. jeu=game
  44. plus=more
  45. dernier=previous
  46. prochain=next
  47. deja=already
  48. nom=name,surname
  49. prenom=firstname
  50. homme=gentleman
  51. cordialment=regards
  52. votre=your
  53. vous=you
  54. sortie=exit
  55. yaourt=yoghurt
  56. nous vous=we
  57. voyage=journey
  58. ami=friend
  59. petit=small
  60. dejeuner=meal
  61. anne=year
  62. mois=month
  63. semaine=week
  64. poid=weight
  65. pomme=apple
  66. banane=banana
  67. poivre=pepper
  68. vert=green
  69. miel=honey
  70. horaire=schedule
  71. carte=card
  72. mangue=mango
  73. ecrit=write
  74. parle=speak
  75. batiment=building
  76. maison=house
  77. contrat=contract
  78. travail=work
  79. etudiant=student
  80. s'il vous plait (svp) = please
  81. il'y a=here,there
  82. magnetoscope=VCR
  83. montagne=mountain
  84. ognon=onion
  85. bonbon=sweets
  86. gateau=cake
  87. resole=sorry
  88. moi,mes,ma=my,mine
  89. plage=beach
  90. promenade=walk
  91. coer=heart
  92. soer=sister
  93. frere=brother
  94. pere=father
  95. mere=mother
  96. oef=egg
  97. un,une=one
  98. musee=meuseum
  99. bas=country/land
  100. monge=food/eat
  101. apres=after
  102. chien=dog
  103. cheval=horse
  104. sucre=sugar
  105. venir=coming
  106. monnaie=change (in the sense of money, coins)
  107. fromage=cheese
  108. vin=wine
  109. meme=even,same
  110. aussi=also
  111. sondages=polls
  112. le main=hands
  113. la bas=there
  114. ici=here
  115. l'argent=money